A dynamic website is a website that uses dynamic web pages that are generated in real-time by a web server when a user requests them. Unlike static websites, which are pre-built and served to all users, dynamic websites use server-side scripting to create pages that are customized for each user based on their input or other factors.

Dynamic websites often include features such as:

  • User login and registration systems
  • Content management systems (CMS) for creating and updating website content
  • E-commerce functionality for selling products or services
  • Interactive forms for gathering user input
  • Personalization features that display content based on user preferences or behavior

Dynamic websites are typically built using server-side programming languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, or Java, which allow developers to create web pages that can interact with databases, process user input, and perform other tasks.

One of the main benefits of dynamic websites is that they allow for greater interactivity and customization, which can lead to a better user experience. However, they also require more complex coding and infrastructure compared to static websites, which can make them more expensive and difficult to maintain.

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